Sunday, February 28, 2010
We may not have it all together
We may not have
it all together,
But together
we have it all
Introducing the Mop Heads!
A very popular "50's" group
Tim, Shane, Sean, Chad
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Rainstorm in a Bottle
What you will need: Empty plastic bottle
What to do: Cut a bottle in half. Fill the bottom part halfway with hot tap water.
Place inverted top over bottom, and watch what happens.
Here is another method for making Rain:
Boil some water in a pot or tea kettle.
Fill a pie pan with ice cubes and hold it above the pot in the steam "Cloud"
Have the children observe that when the steam comes in condact with the cool air from the pie pan, drops of water form and fall back into the pot like rain,
**Adult supervision required**
Friday, February 26, 2010
ASL word of the day...Rain
Rain n.water falling in drops from the clouds:
(Represents raindrops falling) Bring both curved 5 hands, palms facing down, from near each side of the head downward to in front of each shoulder with a double movement
- walking in the rain.
- It rained all day and it's still raining.
(Represents raindrops falling) Bring both curved 5 hands, palms facing down, from near each side of the head downward to in front of each shoulder with a double movement
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Crochet with Renee' ... Single Crochet
Single Crochet (sc)
The shortest of your basic stitches. Can be used to finish edges of other stitch patterns and sometimes to join two finished sections- Make a chain stitch. (for practice chain 13)
- Insert hook in 2nd chain from hook, Catch yarn and draw a loop through the chain (2 loops on hook) yarn over hook and draw through 2 loops to complete stitch
- Make 1 single crochet in each chain across row .
- After last stitch , chain 1 and turn; (when making the turning chain, turn work around from left to right until the opposite side is facing you) insert hook in 1st stitch to start next row.
- For practice, repeat previous row until you have mastered the technique and can work with ease.
- To fasten off at end of work: Make a chain stitch, then cut yarn, leaving 4" end. Pull end up tightly through loop on hook
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Bear Tales...Rain
Ella Young
Dancing, Dancing sown the street
Comes the rain on silver feet:
O hush, O hush
For the wind is fluting a song.
Little flute of the wind,
Little flute of the wind,
Little flute of the wind,
Play on
Silver feet of the rain
come again, come again,
Come with a fluting song.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Cake Raindrop Cookies
Cake Raindrop Cookies
- 18 oz box of white or yellow cake mix
- 3/4 c water
- 2 eggs
- Blue food coloring (reduce water by 1 tsp)
Mix together in a bowl
*color batter light blue to make it look like water with the blue sky's reflection.
Drop on a cookie sheet by tablespoons full
drag batter to raindrop point
Bake 350 degrees for 8-10 minutes
Monday, February 22, 2010
Rain activities

Here are some fun ideas for things to do in the rain
***Size up raindrops...they range from smaller then a pinhead to as big as a pencil eraser. Fill a pan with 2 inches of flour. catch some rainddrops, then let the flour pellets dry. Compare their sizes
***Water color tree... Using a paper plate, draw a tree trunk in crayon. With washable colored markers, top the trunk with bold squiggles. Now hold the plate in the rain and watch the "leaves" unfurl.
***Set up an array of pots, bottoms up, below a dripping roof edge.Now listen to the sound of your
Rain Symphony.
For the Fun of It...FYI:
water is made of hydrogen and oxygen.Each water molecule has two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom.The scientific formula for water reflects this H2O
The three forms of water:
Solid: When water freezes (at 32 degrees F) it becomes ice
Liquid: At medium temperatures (when ice melts or gas cools) water is a liquid
Gas: When water is hot enough to boil (at 212 degrees F or above) it turns to vapor.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
No distance between friends
No amount of time or distance can come between good friends. There is a bond that stays strong no matter the months or miles between two people who call each other "friend".
JoDee, Heather, Steph, & Renee hanging out while making watches.
Thanks for coming to visit us here in Idaho!
JoDee, Heather, Steph, & Renee hanging out while making watches.
Thanks for coming to visit us here in Idaho!
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Paint to Music
For a quick and soulful project...put on some music , grab some paint brushes, paint and paper, then have the kids paint what they hear!
Does the mood of the music suggest a color?
How about painting the shape of a slow melody
or brush along to a energitic rhythm?
Try Mozart... Peter and the wolf...the Beatles.. or any pop, rock or classical music.
See what their imaginations can come up with to the sounds of MUSIC.
Color my World!!
Friday, February 19, 2010
ASL word of the day...Music
Music n. Pleasant expressive arrangements of sounds, as those using rhythm, melody, and harmony
Play some soft music
same sign used for : chant, melody, sing, song- (Demonstrates the rhythm of music) swing the little finger side of the right open hand, palm facing left, back and forth with a double movement across the length of the bent left forearm held in front of chest.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Crochet with Renee' ... Chain stitch
The chain stitch is the beginning stitch in crochet. Most crochet start with a length of chain stitches which resemble a series of "V's" called the foundation chain.
Grasp the crochet hook between thumb and middle finger with your index finger resting near the tip of the hook
Make a slip knot on hook, several inches from the yarn end.
Thread yarn over index finger and between 4th finger and little finger.
To make a chain stitch: Bring yarn over (yo) hook and draw yarn through loop on hook. One chain stitch made and one loop remains on hook
continue to wrap the yarn over the hook and to pull through the loop (lp) on the hook (hk)
Continue to make chain stitches in this manner.
Having problems with the loop of the hook going over the head of the hook?
The problem might be the slip knot. Make sure it is not too tight. It could also be that you are holding the yarn too tight.
As you pull the yarn through the loop, rotate the hook head so that it faces down toward the chain.
Any problems? Email me at
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Bear Tales..The Musical Mice
The Musical Mice
frances frost
The wood mouse and his wife
who came to live with me
were curious about
my husky minstrelsy .
When I burst forth in song
if you could call it that
they'd peer down from their beam
big eared, bright eyed, and fat
and squeak accompaniment.
Mouse musically inclined,
they liked the sounds and crumbs
produced by humankind
And I was overwhelmed
at such an audience
conducting with their tails
The Pirates of Penzance!
frances frost
The wood mouse and his wife
who came to live with me
were curious about
my husky minstrelsy .
When I burst forth in song
if you could call it that
they'd peer down from their beam
big eared, bright eyed, and fat
and squeak accompaniment.
Mouse musically inclined,
they liked the sounds and crumbs
produced by humankind
And I was overwhelmed
at such an audience
conducting with their tails
The Pirates of Penzance!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Toast Toppers
Here is an easy way to serve fun snacks.
Toast a slice of bread, then spread it with butter, cream cheese, peanut butter, or soft cheese.
Give the kids a selection of toppings, such as:
Herbs, seeds, bread crumbs, chopped nuts, crunchy cereal, cinnamon, etc.
Anything they can sprinkle over or press into the spread to create designs or faces.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Tape Recorder Time
Speaking or singing into a tape recorder is in itself lots of fun, but playing back the tape is the real hoot. Try one of these great tape capers.
Name that noise: Have someone record different sounds ( snoring, faucet dripping, etc).Now play them back and everyone guess them.
News Broadcast: Have the kids interview family members about breakfast, the new bunk bed, spring arriving, whatever the SCOOP of the day is.
Stuffed Animals tell all: Have a panel of stuffed toys or dolls in this "Talk Show".Of course that requires the kids to play the parts.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
In every heart there is a song
In every heart there is a song
That longs to sing out loud
And shows the world
How beautiful you are
Happy Valentines Day!
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Heart Rubbings
Cut hearts out of different textured materials such as:
sandpaper, corrugated cardboard, wallpaper, needlework canvas, etc.
Let the kids (or the kid at heart) make heart rubbings by placing the the textured cutouts under sheets of paper and rubbing across their papers with crayons.
To play a fun game with the hearts:
cut out twenty or more hearts and hide them around the room. Then let the kids have a "Heart Hunt". The person who finds the most hearts gets to be King or Queen of Hearts for the day. Make sure everyone finds some hearts. Maybe they could receive a treat for finding them.
Bekah and RJ getting lots of love from their friends 'The Hooogy Monsters"
Friday, February 12, 2010
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Crochet with Renee' ... Pick your yarn
Crocheting can be done with any stringy material from the finest tatting cotton to fabric strips. Your choice only has to suit the purpose and be worked with the appropriate hook.
Yarn is marked with sizes to help you know what type you need to buy.
Most patterns call for a specific brand of yarn. Don't let that throw you. You can use any yarn that is the same weight as the yarn the pattern calls for.
Read labels to compare brands in order to find the right yarn for you. There are many brands out there. Coats and Clark, Lion Brand, Burnett, Patton, and many others. Each style of yarn has a number to explain its thickness as well as a hook size recommendation and yardage amounts. Each brand of yarn varies.
Lion Brand Knitted Peacock from the CHA Winter Trade Show. The Peacock was made with different weights and kinds of yarns, showing that you can mix and match yarns.
Yarn is marked with sizes to help you know what type you need to buy.
Most patterns call for a specific brand of yarn. Don't let that throw you. You can use any yarn that is the same weight as the yarn the pattern calls for.

Lion Brand Knitted Peacock from the CHA Winter Trade Show. The Peacock was made with different weights and kinds of yarns, showing that you can mix and match yarns.
the best size yarn to start prcticing with will be a Medium Weight Yarn and a crochet hook size G or H.
**In order to get the Crochet lessons to fit on to the blog for space purposes, We will do a small part of the lessons each Thursday. Next week we will teach the CHAIN STITCH.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Bear Tales...Valentine To My Doll
Valentine To My Doll
helen wing
I love you, dear, although I know
Your body is a rag.
We made you out of pieces from
My Grandma's sewing bag.
Your legs are getting rather limp;
Your neck is wobbly too;
Yet no doll in the nursery
Is half so dear as you.
***You can find "grandma" style rag dolls (lemonade kids) on my website:
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Peanut Butter Cookies
Here is Kayleigh making our Peanut Butter Cookies.
These a super simple and if your are on phase one of the South Beach lifestyle you can eat these, just use the version in ( ).
Peanut Butter Cookies
1 cup peanut butter
1/2 cup sugar ( splenda)
1/2 cup brown sugar (splenda)
1 egg
1 teaspoon vanilla
small amount Jam ( sugar free) (optional)
Mix all ingredients together and using a teaspoon drop onto a ungreased baking sheet . Flatten each ball with a fork and drop a small amount of jam onto each cookie if desired.
Bake at 350 degrees for 10 minutes
Makes 12 cookies.
These a super simple and if your are on phase one of the South Beach lifestyle you can eat these, just use the version in ( ).
Peanut Butter Cookies
1 cup peanut butter
1/2 cup sugar ( splenda)
1/2 cup brown sugar (splenda)
1 egg
1 teaspoon vanilla
small amount Jam ( sugar free) (optional)
Mix all ingredients together and using a teaspoon drop onto a ungreased baking sheet . Flatten each ball with a fork and drop a small amount of jam onto each cookie if desired.
Bake at 350 degrees for 10 minutes
Makes 12 cookies.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Shadow Play
Looking for some fun before the sun goes down? Have the kids join you for some shadow games.
- Pair up and keeping the beat to a familar tune, see if you can make your shadows clap hand without your real hands actually touching
- Line up everyone with the sun at their backs so that the heads of their shadows are just behind the staring line. ( the taller ones will need to stand further back) The person whose shadow crosses the finish lines wins.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Ribbon Bow or Memory Board
Supplies Needed:
(1) 18" x 22" piece of cotton fabric
(1) 14" x 18" Artist canvas (or smaller size)
6 yards of 3/8" wide ribbon
Decorative Brads
Staple gun or Hot melt glue gun
optional: embellishements
(1) 18" x 22" piece of cotton fabric
(1) 14" x 18" Artist canvas (or smaller size)
6 yards of 3/8" wide ribbon
Decorative Brads
Staple gun or Hot melt glue gun
optional: embellishements
- Fabric should have at least a 2" clearance to wrap the canvas board
- Lay fabric down...wrong side up
- Place top of canvas board face down on wrong side of fabric
- Bring fabric up over the sides and tuck underneath and use a staple gun or glue gun to secure
- Add the ribbon in a basket weave pattern. Cut the ribbon after attaching it to the board. Start at one corner and work across to the opposite corner. Space the ribbon equally apart ( approx. 5 1/2"). Secure to backside of the canvas using the staple gun or Hot melt glue gun.
- Repeat the same procedure with the other corner.
- Finish by punching a little hole in canvas and insert brads at the intersections of the ribbon.
- To add embellishments to the brads, just dab a little glue on top of brad and then decorate as desired.
Friday, February 5, 2010
ASL word of the day....PLAY
Play v. To engage in recreational activity, as spontaneous frolicking or participating in a game: to play in the park; to play football
same sign used for romp
- Swing both Y hands up and down by twisting the wrists in front of each side of the body with a repeated movement.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Crocheted Flower
"What I make with my hands, I give with my heart"
This pretty little flower is quick and simple to make,
Sew it to a barrette, hat, pin it to your jacket or even tie it to your flip flops. You will need to know how to make a chain stitch, half double, double and triple crochet.
If you don't know how to crochet, I will begin showing you how to learn the basic stitches in crocheting on Thursdays. Join me for Crochet class with Renee'. Crocheting is great for kids as well. Do a mom and son/daughter time while learning a new skill!
Before Thursday buy a skein of yarn and a size G, H or I crochet hook. These will be perfect for practicing.
Instructions for the crocheted flower:
- Chain 6, slip stitch
- Chain 3,
- Make 14 double crochets into the center of the ring
- Slip stitch into the top of the chain 3
In the first stitch make these 3 stitches
- 1 half double crochet, 1 double crochet, 1 triple crochet
- 1 triple crochet, 1 double crochet, 1 half double crochet
- Now chain 1and slip stitch into the next stitch
- slip stitch into the last stitch
weave the loose ends of yarn into the back of the flower
Now wasn't that easy. Email me if you have questions or problems
See you on Thursdays for Crochet Class with Renee'
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Bear Tales...Rolling down a hill
Rolling Down a Hill
Dorothy Aldis
Rolling down a hill
My head turns into
My feet instead,
And the grass tops
And the sky
Tangle up as I go by.
Cows and Trees
are tumbled till I reach
the bottom of the hill
Then they straighten
out once more
and look the way
they did before
My feet are
where they used to be
My head is back on top of me.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Super Frothy Soda
Each person making a drink will need:
- A can of soda pop (any flavor)
- A tall glass
- A spoon
- 2 tablespoon instant dry milk
Mix in the dry milk
Watch the drink foam
Add more soda as needed.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Simple Play Dough
Play dough is a great activity for using your Childrens Imaginations.Cutters can be bought or you can use anything around the house to make your cutters such as cookie cutters, plastic knifes, rolling pins, bottle tops, etc.
Simple Play Dough
2 cups flour
1 cup salt
1 tablespoon oil
food coloring (optional)
Combine salt and flour. Add oil and enough water for a claylike consistency. Add water a little at a time until mixture is pliable, but not sticky. Mix and knead slightly. If you wish to color dough, add food coloring to water.
Simple Play Dough
2 cups flour
1 cup salt
1 tablespoon oil
food coloring (optional)
Combine salt and flour. Add oil and enough water for a claylike consistency. Add water a little at a time until mixture is pliable, but not sticky. Mix and knead slightly. If you wish to color dough, add food coloring to water.
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