Monday, April 18, 2011

Octopus Tag

Set up a rectangular ocean: To determine the right width, have everyone hold hands and spread out across the field. Build two side lines with markers.
The queen (king) octopus stands in the middle of the "Ocean" and cries out " I am the octopus queen (king) of all motion. Let's see if you can cross my ocean:
The fish try to run or sneak across the ocean as the octopus tries to tag them.
If tagged, they  become seaweed. Keeping one foot planted, the seaweed try to reach out and tag the running fish. If they are tagged, they become seaweed too.
Once everyone has the crossed the ocean and is on the other side, the octopus repeats the chant and the crossing contest starts again.
The game continues till all the fish become seaweed.
The last fish tagged becomes the new octopus.