High adj. Having a great height, Having a specified height, Raised to an elevated position, To or at an elevated place.
same sign used for altitude
(Initialized sign showing a location at a higher elevation) Move the right H hand, palm facing left and fingers pointing forward, from in front of the right side of the chest upward to near the right side of the head.
Stop by for inspirational thoughts and ideas on games, children poems, crafts, recipes, ASL words,& gifting ideas. Renee's Workshop is a place you can buy custom or ready made,doll clothes, Hand sewn cloth dolls,playtime rag dolls, military bears,Hooogy Monsters, life size soft sculptured people, stick horses, dolly & me clothes, & doll blankets.
I love sewing/crafting and am excited to share with you my years of experience in the crafting industry.
Check out my website at