Wednesday, January 27, 2010

bear tales...The Creature Brontosaurus

The Creature Brontosaurus
dorothy aldis

Over a hundred million centuries ago
Before the Rocky Mountains raised their heads of snow,
Making hard and nubbly a land that once was swamps,
The creature Brontosaurus went on his ponderous romps

His name means Thunder Reptile
But he couldn't make a sound
As over eighty feet of him went slithering around;
Poor fellow-how upsetting it must have been to not
Be able to express himself when sleepy, cross or hot.

Forty tones of templer whitout a single whimp
You'd think would leave him feeling long and limp.
But he just stamped the harder upon the sandy ground
And made those giant footsteps that scientists have found

Even today we see them planted on old stones
Even today they keep on finding Brontosaurus bones
Which people in museums fit together till
The ancient age old creature
Rears up-bleak and still

In all his mighty body
His brain weight just one pound
So maybe we're not missing much
Not having him around
Perhaps his heart ws big though
Perhaps he shed a tear
For lack of laps to climb into
Or scratchings on the ear.