Saturday, January 30, 2010

Twisted Tunes

Aahhhhh...  Music to my ears.
Twisted Tunes Game
Can you guess the real names of these songs? 
Then try singing your favorite using the song's twisted title!

1. Drizzle, Drizzle, Disappear
answer: Rain, Rain, go away

2. Sparkle, Sparkle, Tiny five-pointed figure

3. Paddle, Paddle. Paddle the ship
    belonging to you

4. Five Plus One Tiny Quackers

5. Bring My Being to the Playing Diamond

6. Joyous Date of Arrival into the World

7. This Ancient Male

8. Bleat, Bleat, Dark Wooly Creature

Have you guessed yet? answers below
1.rain, rain go away, 2.twinkle, twinkle, little star 3. row, row, row your boat 
4. six little ducks 5. take me out to the ball game  6.happy birthday 7. this old man,
8. baa, baa black sheep

How many did you guess right? If you think of some new ones, email me with your twisted tunes to    Thanks for playing