Thursday, December 31, 2009

Alice in Wonderland Party

Turn any BOOK into a party

Youngsters in Wonderland

"Alice" is never out of date, so an afternoon in "Wonderland" is delightful kind of party.

  • Send out invitations in looking-glass writing (backwards)
  • Cover a cardboard barrel with grass cloth and place in doorway (fill the space above with crepe paper streamers) Children crawl through the "RABBIT HOLE"
  • Make cardboard cutouts to resemble characters of the book such as the Queen.
  • Cover furniture with sheets.
  • Add Christmas tree lights to add an eerie glow
  • For games: take a cue from the book.  Re- read the story if you need to
  • Try checkerboard hopscotch where a person who wins loses.
  • Make  padded croquet mallets made of wire hangers and used like pickup sticks
Decorate your table like the Mad Hatters tea party, with paper pinafores for the girls and Mad Hatter cardboard hats for the boys.

Watch for more party ideas on Thursdays.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Bear Tales...Rainy Day

Rainy Day
agnes louise dean

Down in the passage closet, upon the top most shelf,
Are special toys for rainy days I cannot reach myself.

They won't come down for cloudy skies, nor yet for scatter drops,
There has to be an all day pour - the kind that never stops.

The eavespouts cough and gurgle, the flooded gutter roar,
The rain pelts down the windowpanes, while I lie on the floor.

And paint in jolly painting books, and mess with pots and paste.
I cut out scrapbook boys and girls from advertising waste.

That Mother saves in careful piles for such a day as this.
If it were sunny all the time, what loads of fun I'd miss!

There are some special dishes for a rainy evening's tea
A china set that Mother had when she was young like me

And every rainy suppertime three candles small I light
To take the place of sunset skies upon a rainy day.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Kids Cooking Time!

. With the weather being cold and wet, can you think of a better way to spend the afternoon, 
then to have a "cook day".

  • Warm oven, apron, tools and lots of FUN!!
  • Go to the library 
  • Let the kids pick out a fun children cookbook
  • Gather the ingredients and cook away.
Today that's what my grand kids wanted to do...
Make Cookies with Grandma.

  • 1 cup milk
  • 1 can, or 1 1/2 cups of chicken soup
  • 3 tablespoons chunky peanut butter
  • 1/2 teaspoon of onion flakes
  • 1/4 teaspoon each of salt and paprika

What you need to do:
Put some water in the bottom half of a double broiler, and put all your ingredients in the top half. Put the double broiler over medium heat. Stir the soup until the peanut butter melts and everything is blended together. The peanut chunks will float on top. When the soup comes to a boil, turn the heat very low and simmer it for 10 minutes.

FYI:  Peanut soup has been around since the 1700's in America. It is believed to come from Africa.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Start a child's book club

Relieve Boredom
 kid's book club can relieve boredom two ways. First if offers a fun weekly or monthly activity to look forward to and second, it is a great incentive to read stories that jump start their imaginations. 
To make this easier team up with a friend. 
  • Send out invitations that include the title of the first book
  • Include a weekly (monthly) meet time
  • Before each club meeting, have all the kids read the same book.
  • During the meeting they can share thoughts on the book as well as have some snacks.

To get things started, the host child might want to make a list of five (or so) discussion questions. 
What is your favorite part?  Who was the best character? or if the readers are younger, you can read aloud while they listen or draw along to the story. 
Or you can pick a loose theme for the books; such as all wintertime stories, or books from a favorite series.
Have the children share what book they read and their thoughts on the story.


Sunday, December 27, 2009

A BOOK is a present you can open again and again

Books Fall Open
    You Fall In

Pick up a book and:
Discover places you never expected and see things that you've never seen..
or travel to fabulous faraway worlds and wonderful spots in between!

There is nothing more relaxing than finding a soft spot, grabbing your hot cocoa and a good book, then immerse yourself into a whole new world!
Enjoy Today!!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Chanille Bracelets

GiRls just WaNt to have FuN!!

Chenille sticks are fun to use. You can make flowers, animals, people, and lots of other fun things.
Today we are going to make really easy bracelets. 

For one bracelet you will need 1 ea of 2 different colored chenille sticks (pipe cleaners)
  • Twist the two pipe cleaners together
  • Swirl the ends in opposite directions
  • Loop around your arm or leg and hook together
TIP: fold over the tips to protect yourself from the sharp points.
Now wasn't that fun and easy. Watch for more ideas on how to use chenille sticks to make fun projects.

Friday, December 25, 2009

ASL word of the day...Candle

Candle n.  A stick of wax with a wick for burning: light a candle.
same sign used for flame, glow.

  • represents the flame on a candle: With the extended right index finger touching the heel of the left 5 hand, palm facing right, wiggle the left fingers.

A Christmas candle is a lovely thing:
It makes no noise at all
But softly gives itself away;
While quite unselfish, it grows small
              -eva k. logue

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Santa Claus is Coming to Town

You better watch out, 
You better not cry,
You better not pout 
I'm telling you why
Santa Claus is coming to Town

He knows when you are sleeping, He knows when you're awake, He knows when you've been bad or good, so be good for goodness sake.

Merry Christmas to All !!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Bear Tales- Long long ago

Long, Long Ago
author unknown

Winds thro' the olive trees
     Softly did blow
Round little Bethlehem
     Long, long ago

Sleep on the hillside lay
     Whither than snow
Shepherds were watching them
     Long, long ago

Then from the happy sky
     Angels bent low
Singing their songs of joy
     Long, long ago

For in a manger bed,
     Cradled we know,
Christ came to Bethlehem
     Long, long ago.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Scented Ornaments

These scented ornaments smell good enough to eat. But don't eat them! They are meant to make your house smell wonderful. The ornaments are perfect for hanging on your Christmas tree, decorate a gift or hang in the kitchen.
3/4 cup applesauce
4 oz cinnamon.
( for individual amounts. use a snack size applesauce and add enough cinnamon to make the dough)
For a more spicy scent you can add some allspice, nutmeg and ground cloves.
  • Mix together to form a stiff dough
  • Roll out on wax paper, 1/4 inch
  • Cut with cookie cutters
  • Make a hole for ribbon
  • You can decorate with rice or cloves
  • Let air dry in a warm place for several days, turning occasionally
  • Once the dough is dry, string ribbon through hole.

After touching the dough, be sure to wash your hands.Do not touch your eyes! Also be careful not to breathe in the cinnamon powder.

These boys made the ornaments in my Praire Crafting class.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Dance to the music

On a grey or snowy day, when sunlight is scarce,
Try  filling your house with music.
Put on some upbeat tunes and play Do What I Do.
The leader performs a motion and everyone
dances around the rug, doing it.
Switch leaders with every song.

Dance around the snow pal
sung to the mulberry bush

This is the way we dance around
Dance around, dance around
This is the way we dance around
Our snow pal in the morning

This is the way we skip around
skip around, skip around
This is the way we skip around
Our snow pal in the morning

This is the way we twirl around
twirl around, twirl around
This is the way we twirl around
Our snow pal in the morning
jean warren

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Christmas is...

Christmas is:
  • Tradition:Christmas cards, mistletoe, lights on the tree, Santa, presents
  • Giving: Gods gift to us, His Son, Jesus Christ, inspires us to give to others
  • Music: What would Christmas be without wonderful songs that remind us of His birth and life. 
Children: The wonder of Christmas is never lost on children. During this joyous season, approach Christmas with a childlike heart.
Love grows in our hearts and should overflow to others especially during the Christmas season.
Family is one of the greatest gifts we have recieved on this earth. There is nothing like spending your holidays with family.
Christmas is Hope, Joy and Peace. May you have a wonderful Christmas season and remember all the wonderful things that Christmas is!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

candy cane ornament

Candy Cane: The shepherd's crook used to bring lambs back into the fold. A reminder that we are all our brothers keeper.

  • Supplies needed:  
  • 28 Red Tri Beads,
  • 24 White Tri Beads, 
  • 2 12" pcs 6 mm White Chenille stems.

cut one 10" piece of white chenille stem
String red and white tri beads onto the chenille stem
Alternate four reds and then four white. Curl the end of the chenille stem to secure
Cut one 8 piece of white chenille stem, and twist it around top of candy cane for hanger.

History of the Candy Cane: 
The first historical reference to the popular candy cane goes back to the 1670's when the choir master at the Cologne Cathedral in Germany, bent sugar sticks into canes to represent a shepherds staff. The All-White candy canes were given out to the children during the long winded Nativity services. Before 1900 the canes were all white and the introduction of flavoring and colored stripes came after 1900.

Friday, December 18, 2009

ASL word of the day...Star

star n. A hot, gaseous heavenly body that shines by its own light: stars in the sky.

* Brush the sides of both extended index fingers against each other, palms facing forward, with an alternating movement as the hands move upward in front of the face. 

Thursday, December 17, 2009

The White Stocking

The White Stocking
author unknown

It wasn't that anyone had really been forgotten, no children had been slighted or made unhappy and no adult had been left ignored. The presents had all been distributed and all the stockings were beautifully filled.. all that is except one: one stocking had never been hung, It was the stocking intended for the child of Bethlehem. Of all the people belonging at the Christmas gathering, only He had been forgotten. Only He had been left out of the festivities. This didn't seem quite right, inasmuch as it was His birthday that was being celebrated.

We hope that you will begin a new tradition in your home this holiday season. Hang the little white stocking in the center of  all your stockings. On Christmas eve, gather in the living room to recall and express your feeling of that Christmas Eve so many years ago. Then privately write down each of your offerings or gifts to Jesus. Your gift could include; personal goals you wish to achieve, family goals, ways you will be of service to others in the coming year, or relationships you wish to improve. The gift is placed in the stocking to be reviewed next Christmas Eve. At that gathering, reach into the stocking and pass out the papers that were placed there this year. Each person quietly reviews last year's gift, then writes down the gift they will give to Him this year and places it into the stocking to again be kept until the following year.

May you have a  special Christmas Season, this year and always, and may it be more meaningful to you by thinking of the wonderful gifts you can present at the Master's feet.

The White stocking is easy to make using 2 white felt squares and some lace. Place the 2 felt squares together and cut out a stocking shape with scissors or pinking shears. Add some lace to the top of the stocking and sew on. Sew around the edges of the stocking , leaving the top edge open. If you would like a copy of my stocking pattern, just email me from my order page on the website: and I will gladly get that out to you.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Bear Tales- The Shepherd left behind

The Shepherd Left Behind
mildred plew meigs

"The hour is late," the shepherds said,
   "And the miles are long to wind;
Do you stay here with the sheep, instead!"
   And they left the lad behind.
He heard their feet in the dark ravine,
   The drop of the sheepfold bars,
And tehn blue stillness flowed between
   The huddled sheep and stars.
He sat him down to wait for dawn,
    His crook across his knees,
And thought of the shepherds moving on
   Under the olive trees.
Herding his flocks in Palestine
   He thought, that lad of old,
How some must follow the Angel's sign
   And some must tend the fold.
And he mused he his pipe
   'Twas a shepherd's pipe he had
And there, while the frosty stars grew ripe
   And shone on the shepherd lad,
The first sweet Christmas carol twined
   From the willow's slender stem-
Blown by the shepherd left behind
   To a Babe in Bethlehem.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Chocolate Chip Cookies

Christmas just isn't Christmas without a plateful of yummy cookies!
I love cookies, but I am not allowed to eat just any cookie. These Chocolate Chip Cookies are a favorite with everyone. Most people can't tell that they are Healthy , and I don't tell them! Enjoy...

2 1/4 cup Whole Wheat Flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup (2 sticks) Butter, softened
3/4 cup packed Splenda Brown sugar
3/4 cup Splenda
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 eggs
2 cups Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips

Combine flour, baking soda, and salt in a small bowl and set aside.
Beat the butter, splenda, splenda brown sugar and vanilla in a large mixer bowl. Add eggs. Beat.
Slowly beat in flour mixture. Stir in Chocolate Chips. Drop by rounded tablespoon onto ungreased baking sheets.
BAKE  at 375 degrees for 9-11 minutes or until golden brown. Let stand and then remove to wire rack , or I just set them on foil to cool .

Monday, December 14, 2009

Penguin Game

When first observing penguins hopping aboard ice floes and then going for a ride, researchers were not sure what that was all about. The scientists decided the birds were not trying to avoid predators or doing some territorial ritual.
                     They were just having some fun!

Here how your kids can have some "penguin style" fun playing this toastier indoor version of this Arctic game:
  • Lay a trail of pillow "ice floes" about 2 feet apart on a cleared, carpeted floor
  • Have everyone line up single file (this is how penguins migrate north)
  • Take turns hopping from pillow to pillow

The "penguins" must land with both feet on each "ice floe"; if they don't, they are considered to have fallen in the drink and must step aside.
Space the  pillows farther apart for each new round until all but one "penguin", the winner, has been eliminated.

Sunday, December 13, 2009


When you perform service for others
you do a great service for yourself

 Ron, Jennifer and Renee' checking out the Red Buffalo 
at the Great Salt Lake in Utah

Friends have the gift of making 
even the mundane
seem like an adventure. 

Saturday, December 12, 2009


It is good to be children sometimes and never better than at Christmas when its mighty Founder was a child himself.
charles dickens

To make a lacy wonderland of paper snowflakes,  fold squares of white paper into 8ths. Make random cuts in paper. Unfold paper to delicate surprise.

Simple snowflakes made from coffee filters:
Fold the coffee filter in half and then in half again. Cut small triangles out of the folded edges. Unfold the filters to see the snowflakes that have been created

Snowflakes Falling
(sung to Mary had a little lamb)
Snowflakes falling from the sky
from the sky, from the sky,
Snowflakes falling from the sky
To the earth below

Watch them as they dance and whirl.
dance and whirl, dance and whirl.
Watch them as they dance and whirl
Soft white winter snow.
aurdith mcnitt

Friday, December 11, 2009

ASL word of the day...Christmas

Christmas n. The annual Christian holiday celebrated on December 25, commemorating the birth of Jesus: plans to go home for Christmas
(initialized sign showing the shape of a wreath) Move the right C hand, palm facing forward, in a large arc from in front of the left shoulder to in front of the right shoulder.

Eight things are usually associated with Christmas
First and foremost is its religious significance as the birthday of Christ.
The other seven are:
Hanging the mistletoe

  • Burning the Yule log, 
  • Christmas Trees
  • Christmas Carols
  • Greeting Cards
  • Christmas Stockings
  • Santa Claus
These eight have remained symbols of Christmas throughout the years. 

Hanging the mis

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Christams Sock silverware holders

Are you having a Christmas Buffet or party?
This is a fun way to hold your silverware on the table.
You will need:
  • 3 empty vegetable cans
  • 3 Christmas socks
  • Needle and Thread / sewing machine
  • Small amount of fiberfill (or old nylons will work)

Fold sock wrong side out and measure 5 inches from toe.
Sew in an arch to shorten sock
You can machine stitch or use a needle and thread to get the same effect.

Turn sock right side out and stuff a small amount of fiberfill to the front part of sock
Insert the can into the cuff of the sock and pull sock up and over the top of can

Make sure you pull all fiberfill to the front of the sock so the can will stand flat.

These can be used as table decorations, just add flowers or candy canes for a fun effect. 

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Bear Tales- Christmas in the woods

Christmas in the Woods
francis frost

Tonight when the hoar frost falls on the wood,
And the rabbit cowers and the squirrel is cold,
And the horned owl huddles against a star,
And the drifts are deep and the year is old,
All shy creatures will think of Him.
The shivering mouse, the hare, the wild young fox,
The doe with the startled fawn,
Will dream of gentleness and a Child;

The buck with budding horns will turn
His starry eyes to a silver hill tonight,
The chipmunk will awake and stir
And leave his burrow for the chill, dark midnight,
And all timid things will pause and sigh, and sighing bless
That Child who loves the trembling hearts
The shy hearts of the wilderness.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Snowball cookies

Let it snow! Make Snowballs! Have Fun!

These buttery cookies melt in your mouth as soon as you eat them!

1 cup walnuts
1 cup butter, softened
1/2 cup powder sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract or maple  syrup
2 1/4 cups flour
1/4 teaspoon salt

  • Finely chop the walnut meat in a blender or food processor then set aside. 
  • Cream together the margarine  and the 1/2 cup of poweder sugar. 
  • Add the vanilla extract or maple syrup.
  • Stir in the flour, salt, and nuts
  • Roll the dough inot 1 inch balls and place them 1 inch apart on a ungreased cookie sheet. Bake in a preheated 400 degree oven until set but not brown ( about 10 min)
  • Roll the cookies in powder sugar while they are still warm and then again when they've cooled. 
  • Makes about  4 doz

Monday, December 7, 2009

Snow Fun Game

Here is a fun winter game...

Once you have built a big, fat snowman to stand in your yard, make a game of "topping" him in style. Take turns trying to land a hat on his head by throwing it "Frisbee" style from about 10 feet. 
For the fun of it:
Boy would the police be busy if they handed out tickets for sleds this time of the year.
Sammy Miller in 1981 set the fastest documented sled speed. 247.93 mph  in a rocket powered sled on Lake George, New York.
Wonder what the undocumented sled speed is?
650 miles per second....set every year by SANTA!!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Happy, happy Christmas

Happy, happy Christmas, that can win us back to the delusions of our childish days; that can recall to the old man the pleasures of his youth; that can transport the sailor and the traveler, thousands of miles away, back to his own fire-side and his quiet home!  charles dickens

Tim, Sariah, Bekah and R.J decorating the tree... Now if the Army will "Transport Tim the traveler"  back home in time for Christmas.

The TREE: Evergreen- The second color of Christmas symbolizing the Saviors sacrifice for all

REMEMBERING: Ron and Donna as they enjoy their Christmas Tree.
Ron passed away Dec 2006