Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Bear Tales...Rainy Day

Rainy Day
agnes louise dean

Down in the passage closet, upon the top most shelf,
Are special toys for rainy days I cannot reach myself.

They won't come down for cloudy skies, nor yet for scatter drops,
There has to be an all day pour - the kind that never stops.

The eavespouts cough and gurgle, the flooded gutter roar,
The rain pelts down the windowpanes, while I lie on the floor.

And paint in jolly painting books, and mess with pots and paste.
I cut out scrapbook boys and girls from advertising waste.

That Mother saves in careful piles for such a day as this.
If it were sunny all the time, what loads of fun I'd miss!

There are some special dishes for a rainy evening's tea
A china set that Mother had when she was young like me

And every rainy suppertime three candles small I light
To take the place of sunset skies upon a rainy day.