Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Scented Ornaments

These scented ornaments smell good enough to eat. But don't eat them! They are meant to make your house smell wonderful. The ornaments are perfect for hanging on your Christmas tree, decorate a gift or hang in the kitchen.
3/4 cup applesauce
4 oz cinnamon.
( for individual amounts. use a snack size applesauce and add enough cinnamon to make the dough)
For a more spicy scent you can add some allspice, nutmeg and ground cloves.
  • Mix together to form a stiff dough
  • Roll out on wax paper, 1/4 inch
  • Cut with cookie cutters
  • Make a hole for ribbon
  • You can decorate with rice or cloves
  • Let air dry in a warm place for several days, turning occasionally
  • Once the dough is dry, string ribbon through hole.

After touching the dough, be sure to wash your hands.Do not touch your eyes! Also be careful not to breathe in the cinnamon powder.

These boys made the ornaments in my Praire Crafting class.