Thursday, July 22, 2010

Whirligigs are a prairie toy

 prairie doll with stick horse and patchwork blanket.
you can purchase these items on

During the 1800's while many families crossed the plains on their way to the west, children needed to play with simple toys made from things that Mom might of had on the wagon.Toys like the cloth doll pictured above, tops, and the whirligig. The whirligig is simple to make from some string and a button. I find the bigger the button, the better it works

  • Thread the string through the button hols and tie the ends to make a loop. The loop should be as long as your shoulders are wide.
  • Hold the ends of the loop so that the button hands between your hands. 
  • Swing the button around in one direction to wind up the string
  • Once the string is wound up, quickly pull both ends of the loop outward at the same time. 
  • Move your hands together and apart. 
  • Then button will keep spinning and humming!