Saturday, August 14, 2010

Indoor Campout

Jess and Kayleigh have their 
Hooogy Monsters and are ready for a 
camp out and scary stories.

Need to have a fun evening of camping, but are stuck at home? Your child can still "retreat to the great outdoors" by setting up a basic 
"table-cushion-sheet tent". Remember when we did that as kids? 
Build your fort, grab a canteen, and roll out the sleeping bags. 
Other props to give you the camp out feel:
  • Marshmallows are a must,
  • Flashlight,
  •  compass,
  • provisions.
So, grab a book of scary stories, your Hooogy Monster to protect you, and place your bear outside the tent to growl, but cuddling just might tame the beast...and have a fun evening "camping out"!!!

Hooogy Monsters are available on