Monday, September 28, 2009

Autumn Bubble Time

   Jeanne and Kayleigh enjoying the outdoors making BUBBLES.
Autumn is a fantastic time to get outside and enjoy the fresh air and sunshine. The days are not too hot and are perfect for having some fun bubble time.
  • Pour 3 cups of water into a  mixing bowl
  • Add 1 cup of dish washing detergent
  • add 3/8 cup corn syrup
  • Mix well
  • Let mixture stand for 3-5 hours (make it in the morning for a fun afternoon activity)
  • Pour the bubble mixture into a cake pan or other shallow container. 
  • Dip a bubble maker into the mix and blow or wave it around to make bubbles

You can use these different items for bubble blowers. Bend an old wire hanger to make a large wand, berry baskets make small bubbles, funnels, chenille stems can be twisted and in the picture we used an old badminton racket.

FYI...Worlds longest bubble? David Stein holds the official Guinness Book of records.
His bubble was 50 feet x 2 feet diameter.  Now that is Big!