Bend the berries on the vine
We look forward to the harvest
At the end of summertime

As the cool breezes of autumn begin to blow, it makes a great time to enjoy nature. Slip on a sweater, gather your family & friends and take an autumn hike to collect fall items to use in crafting.
Acorns, pine cones, sticks, leaves, feathers, etc.Dry your leaves, spray paint and use in your fall decorating.Use the nature items you found on your walk to make an autumn wreath by gluing them ( personally, I prefer Hot Glue) and other items to a grapevine wreath.
Take along a homemade trail mix with you on your autumn walk
Autumn Trail Mix
In a large bowl mix together:
2 cups peanuts
2 cups raw sunflower seeds
1 cup raw pumpkin seeds
1 cup raisins or dried cranberries
1 cup mini chocolate chips
Store in an airtight container