Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Chocolate Marshmallow Fondue

 Use this "fondue" while playing table games with your family, friends or at your Easter Celebration.

Gather up some fun DIPPERS like:
Hulled strawberries, Banana Slices, Apple wedges, Fresh Pinapple chunks, Graham crackers, Pretzels, Vanilla Wafers, or whatever sounds good covered in chocolate!

3/4 cup milk
1 (6 oz) bag semi sweet chocolate chips
3/4 cup marshmallow cream

Heat the milk in a medium saucepan until it just starts to simmer. Remove the saucepan from the heat. Add the chocolate chips and let them stand for 1 minute to soften. Then stir until they're melted and the mixture is well blended.
Stir in the marshmallow cream.
Whisk the sauce unitl smooth
Pour it into a fondue pot with flame to keep it warm (or small slow cooker set on low)
serves 4 to 6