Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Rock candy

1 glass jar
1 piece of cotton string
1 pencil
1 paper clip or washer
4 c sugar
1 c water
food coloring

Heat the water and dissolve 2 cups of sugar in it. ( do not boil sugar). Add as much sugar that will dissolve in it. Stir continuously with a wooden spoon until solution is clear. Add a few drops of food color if desired.
Pour solution into glass jar. Tie a piece of string to the middle of the pencil and on the other end tie the clip/washer. Moisten the string and roll in a bit of sugar. Place the pencil over the top of the jar with the string hanging down inside. Leave undisturbed for a few days. You should see the crystals growning in a few hours, but to get the bigger crystals leave for up to 7 days.