Monday, March 29, 2010

Egg Hunt Ideas

The Golden Egg: Spice up your Easter egg hunt by hiding surprises along with your usual hidden eggs. Hide a golden egg with a special gift inside, such as a gift card or something that can be traded for a special toy.

Flashlight Hunt: On Saturday night, hide your eggs and have an evening hunt with everyone using flashlights to scan the dark lawn for eggs.

Color-coded egg hunt: Do you have different age groups hunting for eggs?  Assign a dingle egg color to each age group. This way, the  younger kids' eggs can be more easily spotted and won't be scooped up by all the older kids.

Easter Store: Instead of candy, fill your plastic eggs with fun coupons and "bunny money". At the end of the hunt, kids exchange the coupons for items that wouldn't fit into the eggs, such as pencils or notebooks.
Make your Easter store by setting up a table displaying a variety of inexpensive toys and treats.