Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Kite sandwiches

March is the time for Wind and Kites!
After everyone is finished running, looping and sailing their kites, serve them Kite Shaped Sandwiches.
Guaranteed to make everyone smile!

1 piece of firm bread
Peanut Butter
Carrot or bell pepper, peeled

Trim the edges of the bread to create an elongated diamond and place it on a plate
Spread peanut butter and jelly in a decorative plate.
Use a vegatable peeler to shave a long thin sripe from the sideof the vegataable.
Curl the shaving into a kite tail and tuck one end under the lower corner of the bread.
Put it onto a blue plate, so it look like it is in th clear blue sky!

The world's windiest place is not Pocatello, Idaho or Chicago Ill. The windiest place is Antarctica, Where the winds regularly  gust at more theat 60 mph.