Monday, June 28, 2010

more s'mores

 S'mores first appeared in a 1927 girl scout handbook. They have come along way since then. Now you can make them from anything. It's not just graham cracker, chocolate and marshmallows anymore!

Gooey caramel apple:
skewer 1 marshmallow, followed by 2 unwrapped chewy caramels on roasting stick
When caramels have meled over the top of marshmallow and marshmallow is cooked to your liking, slide onto 1/2" thick apple slice. Top with another apple slice

Banana Caramel:
Melt 2-3 unwrapped caramel kisses on 1 graham cracker square. (till it is soft and wet looking)
Roast 1 marshmallow. Once chocolate is melted, remove graham cracker from heat; top with 1 large Banana slice, pressing chocolate carefully. Top with marshmallow and another graham cracker square.

Mint Brownie:
Roast 1 marshmallow. Melt handful of mini mints on 1 brownie square. Once mints have melted, remove brownie from heat. Top with marshmallow and another brownie squae.