Monday, June 7, 2010


Gather up everyone for a night of Stargazing.

What is more awe inspiring that looking at the night sky with all its stars. Maybe thinking about how huge the night sky is or how far away the stars are or maybe it is realizing that we don't know everything about the universe.
To get the best view, pick a night when there isn't a moon, otherwise all you see is the moon. You don't have to have a telescope, you can use binoculars to look at the lunar landscape. Cover your flashlight with a piece of red cellophane over the lens so that your eyes will stay adjusted to the darkness. 
Get your bearings in the sky with a star wheel. You can go to and do a search for star wheel to download and print off a free star wheel. 

check back daily for games, crafts and eats for your Stargazing night.