Saturday, June 19, 2010

Sewing Cards for Kids

There is nothing worse than breaking your arm in the summer. Sariah will now have to have something to do besides swim.

Here is a way to use up those old greeting cards you have laying around the house and in your drawers.
You can make them into SEWING CARDS by removing the back of the card. Take the front of the card and punch holes around the edges with a standard hole punch. Using some yarn, you can either wrap one end with a piece of tape or dip the end in glue and let dry. This makes it easier to sew through the hole. If the child is a little older you can purchase plastic yarn needles at you local craft store for them to use.  Now they can sew through the holes of the card, by going in and out of the holes.
You can also have the kids color a coloring book design, cut it out and glue to a piece of card stock. When dry, punch holes around your design and now they are ready to sew.