Monday, October 4, 2010

card game

This game is great for improving a childs math skills

What you will need:
A deck of cards (remove the jacks and kings)
paper and a pencil

Deal five card to each player and place the rest of the deck facedown.
Starting left of the dealer, each player tries to make a math equation totaling 20 from any three of their 5 cards. (ace = 1, queens = 0 )
If you have (exp: 6,3,7,8,2) one answer would be 6x3 +2=20.
If you succeed, you get zero points.
If your answer doesn't equal exactly 20, your score for that round would be the difference between your total and 20.( such as a total of 18 or 22 would give you 2 points)
After recording your points, discard your cards and draw new ones.
Whoever has the lowest score after 5 rounds wins