I hope everyone had a great Halloween and did lots of trick or treating, Here are some pictures of the grandkids trick or treating at grandmas house.
Kayleigh and Jonathan smiling for grandma
Jessica is trying to get in the house to the candy
Jessica was a lady bug, Jonathan was the hulk, Adrian was a monkey and Kayleigh was a princess.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Happy Halloween Safety Tips
Harvey the Ghost would like to share with you some safety tips for a safe Halloween.
Make a fun flashlight to carry with you. Out of orange construction paper cut a circle to cover the end of your flashlight. Cut Jack O' Lantern facial features out of the circle. Tape the circle to the end of the flashlight. Now shine your jack o' lantern face all around.
Safety Tips for Trick or Treating
- Be bright at night. Wear a costume that can be seen and add reflective tape to the costume. Face paint is recommended so that your vision won't be obstructed.
- Go with a friend or parent, who will stay with you until the very end.
- Stay on sidewalks. If there are no sidewalks, walk on the left side of the road facing traffic.
- Look both ways when crossing the street.
- Stay in a familiar area, visit houses that you know
- Don't forget your manners, say THANK YOU!
- Look at the treats before eating them, better yet...Don't eat them until you get home.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Asl word of the day...Halloween
R.J shows you how to sign Halloween
Halloween n. A holiday celebrated, especially by children, on the evening of October 31, the eve of All Saints Day; It is customary for children to wear costumes and play trick or treat on Halloween,
(same sign used for mask or masquerade)
- (represents a Holloween mask) Move both curved hands with from in front of each eye, palms facing in and fingers pointin up, around each side of the head, ending with the palms angled forward.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Friendship Get Well Basket
It's FLU SEASON! Do you have a friend or family member who is home sick?
Do you want to brighten their day?
Make them a FriendshipGet Well Basket to cheer them up!
Do you want to brighten their day?
Make them a FriendshipGet Well Basket to cheer them up!
Nothing Warms The Heart Like A Good Friend
- Basket
- Tea Towel
- Mug
- Soup ( canned or Homemade)
- Book or Puzzle
- Tea
- Box of tissue... if your basket is big enough.
Place your Tea Towel inside your basket and then add other items to basket. I added flowers to give it a more cheerful look. Add a friendship saying to a card and tuck inside.
Now you are ready to drop off your friendship get well basket for them to enjoy!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Bear Tales- Halloween
Helen Wing
We had a goblin party on the night of Halloween,
and all the children on our street were there,
And it was dark inside our house with only candlelight,
And Jack-O'-lanterns standing by the stair
There was a big, enormous Ghost that walked around the room
(The ghost was really Father in a sheet)
And he made moans and shook his head, but no one was afraid!
Because he gave us lollipops to eat.
I dressed up like a goblin in a last-years brownie suit
( I make myself a tail I could wag)
And Mary Ann rode on a broom and was a kind of Witch
Who kept her magic secrets in a bag,
We bobbed for apples in a tub and caught them with our teeth,
But I got water in my nose and eyes,
So I was glad when Mother called us to the dining room
For that was where we found the big surprise,
The table was more fancy than I'd ever seen before
I couldn't tell what thing I like the most,
The doughnuts or the pumpkin pie, the cider or ice cream,
All seved to us by Mother and the Ghost
When there was nothing left by crumbs, the children had to go
'Cause it was past their time to go to bed;
Then everybody thanked us for the party and they wished
That Halloween came every week, they said.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Shaped Tortilla Chips
These are super easy to make and a fun new way to serve chips.
You will need:
- Flour tortilla (white or wheat)
- cooking spray
- salt
- cookie cutters
Preheat oven to 350 degrees
Using your cookie cutters, cut shapes from flour tortillas.
Arrange the shapes on a baking sheet, spray lightly with cooking spray and sprinkle with salt.
Bake for 5-7 minutes
Now your chips are ready for dip, salsa or guacamole!!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Spooky Tag game
Cousins Maya, Jonathan, and Kayleigh are all set to play
The basic game of tag is so simple! The game requires 3 or more players. One is chosen to be it.
(of course you can play phone tag with only 2 players)
The one who is "IT" runs around and tries to tag someone else. The game continues until everyone is exhausted! Playing tag helps keep us healthy and fit.
this version of tag is played in a dark backyard or a large dark room. When "IT" shouts out "SPOOKY" all the other players must answer back "SPOOKY" to clue "IT" into their whereabouts.
You can also play it with a flashlight. "IT" carries the flashlight and can tag other players just by catching them in the beam of light.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Optimism in the face of cynicism
Renee and Emma catching some "Positive Rays" in Orlando
"My plea is that we stop seeking out the storm and enjoy more fully the sunlight.
I am suggesting that as we go through life, we accentuate the positive. I am asking that we look a little deeper for the good, that we still our voices of insult and sarcasm, that we more generously compliment and endorse virtue and effort.
Gordan B. Hinkley
Have you ever noticed that the media, (whether it be magazines, newspapers and television) is filled with bad news dwelling in the negative instead of the positive? Maybe we should try to change that by focusing on the good and positive things in life.
This is a great time of the year to begin to do Random Acts of Kindness.
Pass it on!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Wooden spoon puppets
These puppets are easy to make and fun to use.
1 wooden spoon9" x 15" piece of fabric
12" piece of ribbon
Google eyes
black marker
yarn for hair
glue ( hot glue works great)
needle and thread
To Make the Witch:
*Sew or glue 9" sides together to make a tube
*Using needle and thread, gather the top of fabric tube
*Place glue at top end of spoon stick
*Pull gathering stitches tight over the glue.
*Tie the ribbon over the gathering stitches.
*To make hair, wrap yarn around hand about 20 times.
now pull off hand and tie in center. Cut other end
*Place glue on top of spoon and glue hair on
*Now glue on google eyes and draw on mouth
Be Creative as you design any kind of puppet you want. Shown here are 2 different witches, Harvey the ghost and a cow. You can create these to match a character in a story book or just let the kids make whatever their imaginations can come up with!
Friday, October 23, 2009
ASL word of the day...Witch
(Represents the traditional hooked nose of a witch)
Move the bent index finger of the right X hand from near the right side of the nose, palm facing left, downward in front of the nose, ending with the palm facing down.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Ghost Table Cover
Are you having a Halloween get together?
Just want a new way to set the table on Halloween night?
This is a fun, spooky way to dress up your table.
Harvey the Ghost Table Cover
I made my table cover with 54" x 54" piece of white muslin. You can use an old (or new) white sheet to make him. Place a small - medium pumpkin in the center of your table. Put white fabric over the pumpkin. Using a ribbon or string, tie around the base of pumpkin to make the head of the ghost. To make face, you can draw his features with a black marker or sew on felt features. You just have to remember that the marker is permanent, but you can remove the felt.
Spread the rest of the fabric over the table, place your bowls of goodies on the table cover and he is ready to greet your guests.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Bear Tales -Three little witches
Marjorie Burrows
One little, two little, three little witches
Fly over haystacks, Fly over ditches
Slide down the moon without any hitches
Hey-ho! Halloween's here!
Horned owl's hooting it's time to go riding!
Deep in the shadows are black bats hiding,
With gay little goblins sliding, gliding
Hey-ho! Halloween's here!
Stand on your head with a lopsided wiggle,
Tickle your little black cats till they giggle,
Swish through the clouds with a higgledy-piggle!
Hey-ho! Halloween's here!
Dust off the silvery stars till they're gleaming,
Down where the will'-o'-wisp's beckoning, beaming
Dance in the dusk while the world lies dreaming
Hey-ho! Halloween's here!
One little, two little, three little witches
Fly over haystack, Fly over ditches
Slide down the moon without any hitches,
Hey-ho! Halloween's here!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Yummy Oat Muffins
For a gift giving idea for your neighbors, friends or family
Reuse your oat container, by putting in some tissue or a fun kitchen towel, fill it with these yummy oat muffins, put your lid back on, then tie with raffiia, and add your note card. Now its ready to give!
Yummy Oat Muffins
1 cup buttermilk 1/4 teaspoon salt
3/4 cup rolled oats 2/3 cup walnuts (optional)
1 1/4 whole grain flour 1/3 cup brown sugar (or splenda brown sugar)
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder 1/3 cup canola oil
1/2 teaspoon baking soda 1 large egg, beaten
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Preheat oven to 425 F. Coat a 12 cup muffin pan with cooking spray or line with paper baking cups
In a small bowl, combine buttermilk and oats. let soak for 30 minutes
Now, in a medium bowl, combine the flour, baking powder, baking soda, cinnamon, and salt.
(add walnuts if desired)
In a large bowl, sitr together brown sugar, oil, egg and vanilla until well blended.
Stir in oat mixture... Stir in flour mixture until just combined. Do not over mix.
Divide batter evenly among the muffin cups,(about 3/4 full)
You can sprinkle some oats on top of muffins before baking.
Bake for 11-15 minutes. When tested, the tester should come out clean.
Remove muffins to cool completely.
Reuse your oat container, by putting in some tissue or a fun kitchen towel, fill it with these yummy oat muffins, put your lid back on, then tie with raffiia, and add your note card. Now its ready to give!
1 cup buttermilk 1/4 teaspoon salt
3/4 cup rolled oats 2/3 cup walnuts (optional)
1 1/4 whole grain flour 1/3 cup brown sugar (or splenda brown sugar)
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder 1/3 cup canola oil
1/2 teaspoon baking soda 1 large egg, beaten
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Preheat oven to 425 F. Coat a 12 cup muffin pan with cooking spray or line with paper baking cups
In a small bowl, combine buttermilk and oats. let soak for 30 minutes
Now, in a medium bowl, combine the flour, baking powder, baking soda, cinnamon, and salt.
(add walnuts if desired)
In a large bowl, sitr together brown sugar, oil, egg and vanilla until well blended.
Stir in oat mixture... Stir in flour mixture until just combined. Do not over mix.
Divide batter evenly among the muffin cups,(about 3/4 full)
You can sprinkle some oats on top of muffins before baking.
Bake for 11-15 minutes. When tested, the tester should come out clean.
Remove muffins to cool completely.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Spinning Tops
Spinning tops have been around for so long that no one knows who started using them.
Maybe it was a child who started spinning acorns. Spinning objects are so fascinating to us!
They are just so much fun to watch and play with.
- make a 3" disc from cardboard or poster board
- mark the center using a ruler
- draw or paint the top with your choice of designs
- push a nail or toothpick through the center
- Now you are ready to SPIN!
Garradyn enjoying his time making a spinning top
FUN FACT: Tops were among the first toys to patented in the USA.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Love our country
Like Father
Like Son
Tim & R.J.
Our Country is not the only thing to which we
owe allegiance
It is also owed to justice and to humanity
Patriotism consists not in waving the flag
But in striving that our country
Shall be righteous as well as strong.
God bless those who serve to keep us safe!!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
braided rugs
Cats love to lay on a braided rag rug while sleeping in the sun!
"there is nothing like a dream
to create the future"
Braided rug
"What I make with my hands, I give with my heart"
"there is nothing like a dream
to create the future"
Braided rug
- 3 long strips of fabric about 1 inch wide
- (more for larger rugs)
- safety pins
- Needle and thread
- Pin together the 3 strips of fabric at one end
- place teh end of the strip into a drawer and shut to hold, pin to your pants, furniture or have a friend hold it for you while you work
- Braid the e strips together as tightly as you can. when you come to the end, secure with a safety pin
- Sew the end of the braid together so it will not unravel
- Tightly curl in one end of the braid an secure with a stitch. Continue to wind and stitch on one side of the braid as it winds around its self.
- When you reach the end you can tie off your thread and be done, or if it is not big enough...repeat the braiding steps and continue by joining your last braided strip to the new strip
- continue until you reach the desired size
"What I make with my hands, I give with my heart"
This 3 young men had a great time in my prairie crafting class as we made braided rugs.
Friday, October 16, 2009
ASL word of the day...CAT
Sariah (with Austin) demonstrates the word...CAT
cat n. A small, furry mammal with whiskers and sharp claws,
bred in a number of varieties and often kept as a pet;
my pet cat.
- (Cat's whiskers) Move the fingertips of both F hands, palms facing each other, from each side of the mouth outward with a repeated movement.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
No Sew Pumpkin
No Sew Pumpkin Toilet Tissue Cover
This is an easy way to bring fall into your bathroom (or wherever you would like to use these).
1 roll of toilet tissue
1 fat quarter of fabric (18" x 22")
a stick
- With the wrong side of fabric facing down,place the toilet tissue in the center of fabric.
- Wrap the fabric up the sides of T.P. and push ends/sides of fabric into the top of roll
- Insert stick and leaf to top
All finished. Now wasn't that easy!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Bear Tales-Witch Cat
rowena bennet
I want a little witch cat
With eye all yellow-green
Who rides upon a broomstick
Every Halloween
Who purrs when she is taking off,
Just like a purring plane
And doesn't mind a tailspin
Even in the rain
I want a cat who dares to light
The candle of the moon
And set its jack-o-lantern face
A-laughing like a loon.
I want a cat who laps the milk
Along the Milky Way
A cat of spunk and character
As daring as the day
But gentle looking kittens
Are in the stores to sell
And which cat is a witch cat
I really cannot tell.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Black Cat Cinnamon Popcorn
Black Cat, Black Cat, This is Halloween!
Black Cat Cinnamon Popcorn
1/2 cup melted butter
1/2 cup brown sugar (or splenda brown sugar)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 teaspoon cinnamon
3 quarts plain popped popcorn
- Combine melted butter and brown sugar in a small saucepan and bring to a boil
- Stir in Vanilla extract and Cinnamon
- In large bowl... pour butter /sugar sauce over Popcorn and mix
- spread on a greased pan
- bake at 350 degrees for 5-10 minutes
- Stir every 3 minutes
Let cool and serve..
This is one of my personal favorites.
So make a batch, relax, put in your favorite movie and enjoy!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Duel Ball Soccer
Is it time to play yet?
Here is an outdoor game that will help the kids and adults build coordination.
requires 1 foam ball and 1 soccer ball
Have 2 people stand across from each other. If there is 3 or more form a circle. The first player throws the foam ball and kicks the soccer ball at the same time.
The receiver has to trap the soccer ball with their feet and catch the foam ball with their hands.
If they fail to do both, they collect the letter S. If they miss again, they collect the letter O, until they have spelled the word soccer and they are out. But to keep thing fair, if the one throwing/kicking the ball ...kicks it in the air or over throws the foam ball, they receive a letter as well.
Time to UN PLUG the kids, go outside and get some fresh Autumn air.
(saw this in a family fun magazine years ago)
Here is an outdoor game that will help the kids and adults build coordination.
requires 1 foam ball and 1 soccer ball
Have 2 people stand across from each other. If there is 3 or more form a circle. The first player throws the foam ball and kicks the soccer ball at the same time.
The receiver has to trap the soccer ball with their feet and catch the foam ball with their hands.
If they fail to do both, they collect the letter S. If they miss again, they collect the letter O, until they have spelled the word soccer and they are out. But to keep thing fair, if the one throwing/kicking the ball ...kicks it in the air or over throws the foam ball, they receive a letter as well.
Time to UN PLUG the kids, go outside and get some fresh Autumn air.
(saw this in a family fun magazine years ago)
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Artsy Friends
Do you kids love to draw? Do they love stuffed animals?
Now they can combine the love of both into one!
Gather Kids
Muslin squares ( 6" x 6" or larger)
sewing machine( you can hand sew them together)
Using their imaginations, have the kids draw on the muslin using the markers.
Jessica wanted to draw as well. Mom drew a heart on the muslin and we let her color with the crayons. This way smaller kids can still particapate in the activity.
To better hold the muslin down, you can pin the muslin to a piece of cardboard with straight pins in necessary.
Once they are finished with their drawing, pin it to a piece of felt (another option: use a patterned fabric.) This is the backing.
Sew around the outline of the design, leaving a 1" opening for stuffing.
Cut around the sewing line. I used pinking shears, but scissors are fine.
Stuff with fiberfill batting and then sew opening closed.
you can order a kit from reneesworkshop.com
Now they can combine the love of both into one!
Gather Kids
Muslin squares ( 6" x 6" or larger)
sewing machine( you can hand sew them together)
Using their imaginations, have the kids draw on the muslin using the markers.
Jessica wanted to draw as well. Mom drew a heart on the muslin and we let her color with the crayons. This way smaller kids can still particapate in the activity.
To better hold the muslin down, you can pin the muslin to a piece of cardboard with straight pins in necessary.
Once they are finished with their drawing, pin it to a piece of felt (another option: use a patterned fabric.) This is the backing.
Sew around the outline of the design, leaving a 1" opening for stuffing.
Cut around the sewing line. I used pinking shears, but scissors are fine.
Stuff with fiberfill batting and then sew opening closed.
you can order a kit from reneesworkshop.com
Friday, October 9, 2009
ASL word of the day...Autumn
Rebekah is showing you how to sign the word Fall/Autumn
fall n. The season between summer and winter:
expecting cool weather in the fall
same sign is used for Autumn
Hold the left arm upright with a slight tilt to the right. Move the right index-finger side of the right flat hand down along the left forearm.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
You've Been Boo'ed
Harvey the Ghost,
Jonathan and Kayleigh
are ready to begin the
You've been Boo'd
ProgramAre you familiar with the BOO?
This makes a great Family Time activity.
If you haven't been Boo'ed you're missing out on a fun Halloween tradition.This is such a fun way to start off the whole fall holiday season and strengthen ties with our neighbors.
Here's what you do... put together a goodie basket of treats for a neighbor, secretly drop them off with a ghost for their door and a poem. They then do the same for another neighbor.
The fun of the Boo is to choose things especially for the family you plan to Boo. Keep in mind, however that you may be beaten to the Boo punch by someone else, so it's best not to get too specific in your goodies. You are not to Boo the same family more than once, so if you approch the door and find a Boo , quietly walk over to the next neighbor and deliver their surprise BOO Basket.
Get started on Booing in your neighborhood today.
Poem to include with your goodie basket:

This treat is for you, we hope you enjoy
The idea is simple, one we hope you employ.
You pass "BOO" along to two other neighbors
Along with any kind of Halloween favors
If we all do our part, and spread the good cheer
By Halloween night it will be very clear,
We're a friendly bunch, we like to share fun
So please do your part to keep
BOO on the run!
Include a ghost poster for the family to put on their door, so everyone will know they have been Boo'ed.
If you would like a copy of this program, go to my website and email me with your name and address. I will be happy to mail you a copy.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Bear Tales- Which?
joyce l. brisley
Whenever I'm walking in the wood
I'm never certain whether I should
Shuffle along where the dead leaves fall
Or walk as if I'm not there at all.
It's nice to rustle as hard as you can
But I can't decide if it's nicer than
Creeping along, while the woodbirds call,
Pretending you are not there at all!
*Turn your kid's outgrown clothes into a scarecrow to pose on your porch*
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Pumpkin Muffins
CANdi lives in a pumpkin can and wants to share with you her favorite recipe on Pumpkin Muffins.
Ingredients needed:
(or renee's diabetic ingredient)
Ingredients needed:
(or renee's diabetic ingredient)
- 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour (whole wheat)
- 1 teaspoon baking powder
- 1 cup canned pumpkin ..15 oz
- 1/3 cup vegetable oil (canolla)
- 2 large eggs
- 1 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice
- 1 1/4 cups sugar (splenda)
- 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1 teaspoon cinnamon
- preheat oven to 350 degrees
- whisk together pumpkin, oil, eggs, pumpkin pie spice, sugar, baking soda, and salt in a large bowl until smooth, then whisk in flour mixture until just combined.
- Stir together 1 teaspoon cinnamon and 1 tablespoon of sugar and set aside
- Line muffin tin with liners or spray with baking spray.
- Divide batter among muffin cups ( aprx 3/4 full), then sprinkle tops with cinnamon mixture.
- Bake for 25-30 minutes
- Bake until puffed and golden brown. Insert wooden pick into center of muffin and it shoul come out clean
- cool in pan for 5 minutes and then transfer from pan to rack.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Fall Hula Hoop Toss
Jessica is busy swinging her Hula Hoop around. With a little more hip action and little less diaper,
she will be an expert.
Here is a FALL TWIST on the old HULA HOOP you have sitting in your garage. While the weather is still somewhat warm (unlike today), line up all those pumpkins you have bought for decorations and have a hula hoop toss. See who can land a hula hoop around them. This is something different for your kids to do when they are bored or if you are having a Halloween party? This can be a fun game. Give a prize to the winner.
For the Fun Of It History note:
Hula hoops have been around for over 3000 years. Kids played with hoops made from grapevines and stiff grasses. In the 14th century "HOOPING" was a very popular craze. The word Hula became associated with hooping because of the similarity between hooping and hula dancing. In 1957 an Australian company had introduced a wood hoop into the retail market. Wham-O decided to manufacture a bright colored plastic hoop in 1958. WOW! the rest is history.
she will be an expert.
Here is a FALL TWIST on the old HULA HOOP you have sitting in your garage. While the weather is still somewhat warm (unlike today), line up all those pumpkins you have bought for decorations and have a hula hoop toss. See who can land a hula hoop around them. This is something different for your kids to do when they are bored or if you are having a Halloween party? This can be a fun game. Give a prize to the winner.
For the Fun Of It History note:
Hula hoops have been around for over 3000 years. Kids played with hoops made from grapevines and stiff grasses. In the 14th century "HOOPING" was a very popular craze. The word Hula became associated with hooping because of the similarity between hooping and hula dancing. In 1957 an Australian company had introduced a wood hoop into the retail market. Wham-O decided to manufacture a bright colored plastic hoop in 1958. WOW! the rest is history.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Williamsburg Virgina
the last vacation my Father Ron was able to take. My son Jordan came along to help me with him and my mom Donna.
Thanks for caring!
If nobody smiled and nobody cheered
and we didn't help each other along
If everyone looked just after themselves,
and good things only happened to the strong,
If nobody cared just a little for you,
and nobody thought about me,
We'd all stand alone in the battle of life,
and what a dreary old world this would be
author unknownThis poem reminded me of the importance of helping others in life. It is not always an easy thing to do, but we can collect warm memories in our heart when we serve others. My father was a strong man who worked hard and was always there for us. One day he had a stroke and he needed us to take care of him.We would try to get him to laugh, because he would tell us "My smiler doesn't work". We can bring laughter and smiles to those who feel that life is hard, sad, and depressing. The silver lining is in there and so are their smiles :)
Have a "MY SMILER IS WORKING" kind of a day!
Saturday, October 3, 2009
This project was a great rainy day activity. Our weather here in Pocatello turned cold and wet, so our trip to the zoo didn't happen. But that's okay, we stayed home and made these really FUN scarecrows
First we gathered these items:
cardstock, scissors
jumbo craft sticks
markers , glue
scraps of fabric (4x4),
raffia or yarn
On the cardstock draw pants, shirt and hat.Cut out. The kids then picked out which fabric pieces they wanted and glued them (right side up) to the card stock. They then cut the fabric following the edge of the paper templates. You can cut small patches out of fabric and glue to the scarecrows clothes Glue the jumbo craft stick to the middle of the pants and shirt. Glue the hat to the top of the stick, while leaving room for his face. With markers, draw on face.
Turn the scarecrow over (on the back) glue pieces of raffia or yarn to the lower edge of his hat, sleeve and pant edges as well.
The kids loved showing off their scarecrow creations!!
Can't draw?
Would you like a FREE PATTERN?
Go to the order page on my website and email me your name and address and I will mail you a pattern with instructions.
My gift to you...Happy Fall Crafting!!
First we gathered these items:
cardstock, scissors
jumbo craft sticks
markers , glue
scraps of fabric (4x4),
raffia or yarn
On the cardstock draw pants, shirt and hat.Cut out. The kids then picked out which fabric pieces they wanted and glued them (right side up) to the card stock. They then cut the fabric following the edge of the paper templates. You can cut small patches out of fabric and glue to the scarecrows clothes Glue the jumbo craft stick to the middle of the pants and shirt. Glue the hat to the top of the stick, while leaving room for his face. With markers, draw on face.
Turn the scarecrow over (on the back) glue pieces of raffia or yarn to the lower edge of his hat, sleeve and pant edges as well.
The kids loved showing off their scarecrow creations!!
Can't draw?
Would you like a FREE PATTERN?
Go to the order page on my website and email me your name and address and I will mail you a pattern with instructions.
My gift to you...Happy Fall Crafting!!
If you would like a scarecrow kit? Go to reneesworkshop.com to order.
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