Monday, October 26, 2009

Spooky Tag game

 Cousins Maya, Jonathan, and Kayleigh are all set to play

The basic game of tag is so simple! The game requires 3 or more players. One is chosen to be it.
(of course you can play phone tag with only 2 players)
The one who is "IT" runs around and tries to tag someone else. The game continues until everyone is exhausted! Playing tag helps keep us healthy and fit.

 this version of tag is played in a dark backyard or a large dark room. When "IT" shouts out "SPOOKY"  all the other players must answer back "SPOOKY"  to clue "IT" into their whereabouts. 
You can also play it with a flashlight. "IT" carries the flashlight and can tag other players just by catching them in the beam of light.