Monday, October 12, 2009

Duel Ball Soccer

Is it time to play yet?

Here is an outdoor game that will help the kids and adults build coordination.

requires 1 foam ball and 1 soccer ball

Have 2 people stand across from each other. If there is 3 or more form a circle. The first player throws the foam ball and kicks the soccer ball at the same time.
The receiver has to trap the soccer ball with their feet and catch the foam ball with their hands.
If they fail to do both, they collect the letter S. If they miss again, they collect the letter O, until they have spelled the word soccer and they are out. But to keep thing fair, if the one throwing/kicking the ball ...kicks it in the air or over throws the foam ball, they receive a letter as well.

Time to UN PLUG the kids, go outside and get some fresh Autumn air.
(saw this in a family fun magazine years ago)