Sunday, October 4, 2009


Williamsburg Virgina
the last vacation my Father Ron was able to take. My son Jordan came along to help me with him and my mom Donna.
Thanks for caring!

If nobody smiled and nobody cheered
and we didn't help each other along
If everyone looked just after themselves,
and good things only happened to the strong,
If nobody cared just a little for you,
and nobody thought about me,
We'd all stand alone in the battle of life,
and what a dreary old world this would be
                                          author unknown

This poem reminded me of the  importance of helping others in life. It is not always an easy thing to do, but we can collect warm memories in our heart when we serve others. My father was a strong man who worked hard and was always there for us. One day he had a stroke and he needed us to take care of him.We would try to get him to laugh, because he would tell us "My smiler doesn't work". We can bring laughter and smiles to those who feel that life is hard, sad, and depressing. The silver lining is in there and so are their smiles :)
Have a "MY SMILER IS WORKING" kind of a day!