Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Bear Tales- Halloween

Helen Wing

We had a goblin party on the night of Halloween,
and all the children on our street were there,
And it was dark inside our house with only candlelight,
And Jack-O'-lanterns standing by the stair

There was a big, enormous Ghost that walked around the room
(The ghost was really Father in a sheet)
And he made moans and shook his head, but no one was afraid!
Because he gave us lollipops to eat.

I dressed up like a goblin in a last-years brownie suit
( I make myself a tail I could wag)
And Mary Ann rode on a broom and was a kind of Witch
Who kept her magic secrets in a bag,

We bobbed for apples in a tub and caught them with our teeth,
But I got water in my nose and eyes,
So I was glad when Mother called us to the dining room
For that was where we found the big surprise,

The table was more fancy than I'd ever seen before
I couldn't tell what thing I like the most,
The doughnuts or the pumpkin pie, the cider or ice cream,
All seved to us by Mother and the Ghost

When there was nothing left by crumbs, the children had to go
'Cause it was past their time to go to bed;
Then everybody thanked us for the party and they wished
That Halloween came every week, they said.