Monday, May 24, 2010

Be a Junior Detective part 4

Use the following techeniques to find who wrote the NAMELESS NOTE

You will need:
  • Unlined notepaper
  • Paper clips
  • Tracing paper
  • Ruler
  • Pencil
To perfect your handwriting analysis skills, have two or three people each write a short note to you on the notepaper. Let them decide which one will write you an anonymous note. Now conduct your test.

    Paper clip a piece of tracing paper to each note. Working one handwriting sample at a time, line up the ruler along the bottom of a line of writing and use the pencil to mark the angle on the tracing paper. It is straight across or does it slant up or down? Use this method with each line in the note. do you see a pattern?
    Now use the ruler and the pencil to mark a  line along the left margin. Does the line go straight down the paper or does it angle more to the left or right?
    Next, look at the individual letters. Do you notice anything unusual, such as curls in the letters or loops that reach way above or below the others? Are the lower case i's dotted with a single spot, circle or a slash? How are the T's crossed?
    Repeat the above steps with all the writing samples as well as the secret note. Now compare your finding. Can you find which letters, and angles that are similar? Can you see enough of a connection between on of the samples and the anonymous note to identify who wrote it?