Saturday, May 29, 2010

Ice Cream in a Bag

You will need:
1 tablespoon sugar
1/2 cup half n half
1/4 tsp vanilla
1/2 cup Rock Salt
1 Pint size ziplock bag
1 gallon ziplock bag

Combine sugar, half n half, and vanilla inside the pint size bag and seal tightly. Combine Ice and rock salt in the large bag. Place small bag inside the larger bag and seal.
Shake the bag until the mixture turns into Ice Cream!
This takes about 5 minute ( you might want to wear gloves)
Add sprinkles, candy, nuts or fruit

Did you know that More Ice Cream is sold on Sunday than any other day and each American eats an average of 23.3 quarts of ice cream, ice milk, sherbet, and other frozen treats each year.