Monday, May 31, 2010

Junior Detective..last of the series

Now you have learned lots of new way to be a detective, here are some ways to sharpen you skills.
Uncovering clues is all about paying attention. Practice these exercises.

Find out what has changed in a room by studying very carefully. Note where things are in the room. Leave the room and have someone move a few things without telling you. Now see if you can find what has changed.

Closely look at a photo in a book or magazine, turn over the picture and write down everything you remember about the people or things in the picture. Turn over the picture and compare to see how much of it you got right.

Listen quietly for several minutes and make a list of everything you hear. How many sounds can you identify? When you think you have learned to listen really good, have someone go into the other room and make a noise using an every day object.  Can you guess what it is?

I hope you had fun learning to be a Junior Detective. Continue reading detective books and practicing all you skills, while having FUN!