Saturday, November 7, 2009

The Great Hunt!

Here is a fun game that can be played  many times and still be lots of fun!

Collect at least
  • 42 ACORNS, pebbles or any other treasure you would like to use. 
  • Acrylic paints (non toxic) in 6 colors
  • Paint brushes
paint your "Treasure" as follows (or colors of your choice)
(2) gold..............................10 points
(4) red...............................8 points
(6) green...........................6 points
(8) purple..........................4 points
(10) blue..........................2 points
(12) white ........................1 point

Each color has a different point value .
One person hides all the treasures in the yard (or house). then the HUNT is on.
Whoever collects  the most points is announced the" Treasure Hunt Extraordinaire"
Let the games begin!