Monday, November 2, 2009

V olcano in a bottle

 Hawaii has the worlds largest Volcano, the Mauna Loa. The lava from this volcano covers more than 2,000 square miles of Hawaii's big island. Chris is one of those lucky kids who gets to spend his summers with his grandma in Hawaii.Now Chris will demonstrate this fun kitchen experiment.  This is a great  way to show kids how a volcano erupts.

Materials Needed:
Small plastic water bottle
Warm Water
Red food coloring
1/4 cup vinegar
Heaping teaspoon baking soda

Fill the water bottle 3/4 way full with warm water
Add a few drops of red food coloring
Add the vinegar

Now using a funnel held just above the top of bottle, Quickly add the baking soda. The mixture will instantly fizz and overflow from the bottle.
Talk with your child that vinegar and baking soda together produce carbon dioxide. The very gas that makes hot liquid rock beneath the earth's surface erupt from volcano's such as the one in Hawaii.

Remember to cover the work space as this is a messy experiment.