Christmas Symbol:
Evergreen~ The second color of Christmas shows everlasting life. The needles point Heavenward~
One of the traditions we had when my children were growing up is a small santa tree. We would put out a 3' tree and have them decorate it. Santa would deliver a small treat/gift each day from December 1 to Christmasday. It was usually a piece of candy, small toy. crayons, coloring book, though I think candy was their favorite.
Jonathan and Kayleigh make
popcorn and cranberry garland to decorate our Santa Tree.

This is a simple craft and fun to do. You will need plain popped popcorn, a dull needle, button thread or dental floss. If you want some color and an old time look add fresh cranberries.

Thread your needle with 2-3 feet lengths of thread and then tie a double knot to hold on popcorn. Thread a kernal of popcorn and for added color use fresh cranberries. Jonathan liked the cranberries the best, so he did mostly those. Let the kids use their creativity. There is no right or wrong way to do these garlands.

What smells better than freshly popped popcorn?
UMmmmm! While you string there is nothing so fun as eating it !!. Jessica was not interested in anything but the eating part of this project.
WOW! that was easy, and now we are ready to start our tree decorating. What to do with the garland after Christmas is over? Hang them outside in your trees and give your neighborhood birds a treat!