Monday, November 23, 2009

Turkey Day Flag Football

After everyone has passed out from eating too much turkey...

Now's the time to get them off the couch and head outside for a game of Flag Football

Next send someone to find the REAL FOOTBALL and make them leave the Video Game behind. 

***Okay Chad put down the Madden game!

Gather everyone outside  to be on a team or just to be the

Cheer n. 1. to shout encouragement, support, or appreciation, especially to people who are performing or competing. 

Turkey Day Flag Football
In this version you can foster team spirit with personalized football flags.
 These are Easy to Make and stop disputes about who tagged them and where it happened.
Tho opposing player just tugs off a ribbon and throws it down to mark the spot

How to make  Football Flags
  • Measure a length of 1 1/2-inch-wide ribbon to fit each player's waist and attach adhesive backed velcro closures to each end
  • Make 2 0r 3 flags for each belt by cutting 12 inch length of ribbon. Let each player decorate his or her own flag belt with fabric markers
  • Affix a bit of adhesive backed velcro to one end of each falg and the belt, then press the flags in place